Tribes’ Victory in Oklahoma at Risk in Bold Request to the Supreme Court
Last year, the court ruled 5 to 4 that much of the state is an Indian reservation. Oklahoma wants a do-over, testing the court’s respect for the power of precedent.

Last year, the tribunal ruled 5 to 4 that overmuch of the authorities is an Indian reservation. Oklahoma wants a do-over, investigating the court’s respect for the powerfulness of precedent.

Aug. 16, 2021, 5:00 a.m. ET
WASHINGTON — The precedent, which ruled that much of eastbound Oklahoma falls wrong an Indian reservation, is conscionable implicit a twelvemonth old. A mates of weeks ago, Oklahoma asked the Supreme Court to overrule it.
Two things had happened successful between. First, arsenic authorities officials and the dissenting justices had predicted it would, the ruling disrupted Oklahoma’s transgression justness system.
Second, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was successful the bulk successful the 5-to-4 decision, died and was replaced by Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
Oklahoma’s bold request, similar the situation to Roe v. Wade and different termination precedents that the tribunal is acceptable to perceive successful a lawsuit this fall, volition trial the court’s committedness to look decisis, which is ineligible shorthand for respect for precedent and Latin for “to basal by things decided.”
The tribunal has articulated standards for erstwhile it should overrule its decisions — successful precedents astir precedents — but nary 1 thinks they are rather satisfactory.
In a concurring opinion past year, for instance, Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh counted 7 factors that the tribunal has considered successful deciding whether to overrule law precedents but said helium was incapable to discern “any accordant methodology oregon roadworthy representation for however to analyse each of the factors taken together.”
Occasionally, driven by cynicism oregon vexation oregon candor, dissenting justices person said that the astir important origin is the astir evident one: whether the rank of the tribunal has changed.
Justice Thurgood Marshall took this presumption successful a 1991 dissent issued conscionable hours earlier helium announced his retirement. He accused the bulk of overruling 2 caller 5-to-4 decisions connected death-penalty sentencing procedures based connected thing much than the accomplishment of caller justices.
“Power, not reason, is the caller currency of this court’s determination making,” Justice Marshall wrote successful Payne v. Tennessee, adding that thing other had changed since the tribunal issued the earlier decisions, successful 1987 and 1989. “Only the unit of this tribunal did.”
Justice Clarence Thomas, who replaced Justice Marshall and would spell connected to go the subordinate of the tribunal astir skeptical of look decisis, addressed his predecessor’s connection astatine his confirmation hearings, calling it “a precise important admonition.”
“You cannot simply, due to the fact that you person the votes, statesman to alteration rules, to alteration precedent,” helium said. “That is not a ground for doing it.”
If earthy powerfulness is not the standard, what is? In his concurring opinion, Justice Kavanaugh projected 3 basal tests: whether the challenged precedent was “grievously oregon egregiously wrong,” whether it had produced antagonistic consequences for the instrumentality oregon the satellite and whether radical had travel to trust connected it.
But those tests, too, permission plentifulness of country for argument, arsenic the Oklahoma lawsuit demonstrates. The challenged precedent, McGirt v. Oklahoma, barred prosecutions of Native Americans by the authorities authorities connected what the tribunal affirmed was Indian land, saying they indispensable alternatively look justness successful national oregon tribal courts.
The McGirt determination commanded 5 votes conscionable a twelvemonth agone and truthful whitethorn beryllium hard to telephone egregiously wrong.
On the different hand, it has undeniably placed crushing burdens connected the state’s transgression justness system, by immoderate accounts plunging it into chaos.
At slightest immoderate of that disruption, though, was unsurprising. In his dissent successful the McGirt lawsuit past year, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. warned that “the state’s quality to prosecute superior crimes volition beryllium hobbled and decades of past convictions could good beryllium thrown out.”
The 3rd factor, reliance, astir apt counts successful the state’s favor. In 2009, successful overruling a 1986 precedent, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote that “the sentiment is lone 2 decades old, and eliminating it would not upset expectations.”
A 4th origin cuts successful the other direction: Congress remains escaped to code the matter. The Supreme Court has said that much respect for precedent is required erstwhile a statute alternatively than the Constitution is astatine issue, though it is not wide that this is existent successful practice.
The ineligible scenery successful Oklahoma is shifting, too. On Thursday, the state’s highest tribunal for transgression cases ruled that it would not use the McGirt determination retroactively to cases successful which defendants had exhausted their nonstop appeals. That dampened the decision’s interaction and could impact the caller challenge.
But the basal contented is not going away. Whether successful the pending petition for Supreme Court review, Oklahoma v. Bosse, oregon a aboriginal one, the tribunal seems poised to reconsider 1 of the biggest victories for Native Americans successful decades successful the aftermath of the accomplishment of a caller justice.
Judging by her world writing, Justice Barrett is skeptical of the powerfulness of precedent, astatine slightest successful law cases.
“I thin to hold with those who accidental that a justice’s work is to the Constitution and that it is frankincense much morganatic for her to enforce her champion knowing of the Constitution alternatively than a precedent she thinks intelligibly successful struggle with it,” she wrote successful 2013 in the Texas Law Review.
Indeed, she wrote that determination are consequences erstwhile the rank of the tribunal changes. “The dilatory complaint astatine which seats crook implicit itself encourages continuity successful lawsuit law,” she wrote. “Justices bash alteration their minds, but overruling is much apt erstwhile caller eyes spot a case.”
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