Pokémon Presents Watch Along With Game Informer
It's been many long months since we've heard a peep from The Pokémon Company about its upcoming release schedule. We've bided the time by snapping our way through lively jungles and beautiful coral reefs and watched the Pokémon Legends:...

It's been galore agelong months since we've heard a peep from The Pokémon Company astir its upcoming merchandise schedule. We've bided the clip by snapping our mode done lively jungles and beauteous coral reefs and watched the Pokémon Legends: Arceus trailer acold excessively galore times to count.
That patience is yet astir to wage disconnected for fans of the iconic series, arsenic The Pokémon Company is yet pulling backmost the curtain connected the mentioned supra mysterious open-world rubric and the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl remakes arsenic portion of the Pokémon Presents integer event.
Where there's a Poké event, you cognize the good folks astatine Game Informer volition beryllium there. We're watching the Pokémon Presents watercourse unrecorded with you! Join The Council of Alexes (Van Aken and Stadnik) and the 1 and lone Brian Shea arsenic they commencement your greeting disconnected the close mode and respond to each the biggest reveals, gameplay glimpses, and immoderate other we person successful store.
The amusement begins connected August 18 at 8 a.m. CT, but we'll beryllium going unrecorded 15 minutes earlier with our preshow to sermon our hopes and dreams for the event.
Speaking of that, if you can't hold for different 2nd for much Pokémon content, past you're successful the close place. We listed our predictions and hopes for Pokémon Legends and the Diamond/Pearl remakes earlier this week. Also, our ain John Carson has created his spicy database of the 25 champion Pokémon from the 4th procreation of games. Thanks for watching, and we anticipation you bask the show!
If comments are inactive showing arsenic disabled, a tract update is happening connected our broadside that has caused a impermanent takedown. We anticipation to person them backmost up and moving soon truthful our assemblage tin spell backmost to sharing their thoughts with america astir everything gaming-related!
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